In keeping with guidelines from the CDC, OSHA, American Dental Association & MD State Dental Association, we have adapted the protocols within our office to ensure that our patients and staff are well-protected against COVID-19 and other infectious diseases. We understand that it may seem tedious, but please know that we are doing our very best to provide a safe environment for everyone.
We kindly ask all patients to cooperate in maintaining a safe environment by doing the following:
- Confirm your appointment by phone or e-mail at least 24 hours prior to the appointment, at which time we will ask you some pre-screening questions.
- If you or a member of your household have either tested positive or are experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms, we will reschedule your appointment to at least 3 weeks later.
- Please call us from outside the office to let us know that you have arrived for your appointment. If you have to wait, you can provide your cell phone number and wait in your car. When we’re ready for you, we’ll give you a call. We are only allowing one person to sit in the waiting area at a time.
- With the exception of caregivers/ aides, and parents of children, (one person per patient please) we kindly ask that only patients with an appointment enter the office.
- Everyone MUST wear a mask or face covering upon entering the office, and at all times while not actively receiving treatment.
- Upon arrival, your temperature will be taken and you will be required to fill out a pre-screening questionnaire.
- Wash your hands with soap and water or use hand sanitizer, both when entering AND when leaving the treatment area.
- Rinse with a mouthwash for 1 minute prior to the start of treatment.
If you have travelled to, or arrived from, another state or country within the past 14 days, we ask that you observe the recommended quarantine, therefore, we will schedule your appointment with us at least 14 days after the date of your return/ arrival. If during this time you are experiencing a dental emergency that requires immediate attention, please call us to arrange a consultation via telephone.
Additionally, here’s what our team is doing for you:
- Our entire staff has received up-to-date training on the revised OSHA standards and protocols for infection control, specific to treating patients in the COVID19 era.
- Our Infection Control protocols have been augmented and given increased attention to detail.
- The Waiting Area, Restroom and Front Desk area, including all doorknobs, are disinfected regularly throughout the day.
- Air purifiers with HEPA filters and UV lights are positioned in each treatment room and are continuously running. The air in the office is circulated with fresh air from outside twice daily.
- Each member of staff is pre-screened and their temperature taken at the beginning of each work day.
- We will also be wearing face coverings in communal spaces, and increased protective wear during patient treatment.
Please note that due to the increased amount of protective equipment our staff now has to wear, the temperature in the office will be colder than usual. We understand that it may be uncomfortable for some, so please walk with a sweater or blanket, and bear with us in understanding that this is necessary for the comfort of the staff who work tirelessly all day long, wearing many layers of protective equipment. - More time will be allotted between appointments to avoid overlap of patients, allow for thorough cleaning of the treatment areas and communal spaces, and for staff to change and check their personal protective equipment. (We apologize, but this may limit your options for available appointment times.)
- As much as possible, if there is any necessary paperwork, we will e-mail it to you so that you can fill it out ahead of time.
Please be aware that we are doing our very best to serve you in a manner that keeps everyone as safe as possible. If there is something we may have overlooked, you need help with anything, or have any questions, please do not hesitate to bring it to our attention. We are here for YOU!